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What is SEO Service?

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization and means Optimization of websites for search engines. With the SEO service we give the search engines the opportunity to find our page and place it in the best possible position. In the field of marketing the effort is to climb our page in better positions in the search results of search engines (the most common ones are Google and Bing).

How do I benefit from the SEO Service;

As you may have noticed, when we search for a word or phrase (keywords) in a search engine, a few hundred or even thousands of results appear depending on how widespread the word/phrase is. Research has shown that 99% of search engine users visit pages that are on the first page of results, with most people preferring pages that are in the top ranking positions. So if your business is on the first page of search engine results, that will mean more traffic to it. With an SEO service, the more traffic you get, the more potential customers your business will get!

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How is SEO carried out on my site.

The important thing to understand is that a search engine will not read your page as a user reads it, but will read it as code. For a successful SEO you need to see how your page is presented by search engines and make sure to make it as readable as possible.

An SEO service is divided in 2 main parts, the On page Seo and Off page Seo. These relate to the techniques used in order to obtain better results in Search Engines.

On Page SEO & Off Page SEO


With the On Page SEO term we mean modifications that need to be made within our website in order to make it more readable in search engines and at the same time more attractive for the users who will visit it. This has to do with technical issues such as proper page structure, optimization of existing content, proper use of keywords, etc. The most important factor for an efficient On Page SEO is the existence of original and relevant content. This practically means that the content should not be identical to another page, there should be no duplicates and it should be on a topic that is of real interest to the user. In eshops in eshops it is more related to the correct arrangement of content (products) with clear descriptions and correct use of meta keywords and you certainly you need to assist the Search Engine to understand what exactly it is your want to sell.


With the Off Page SEO we mean those techniques that involve exogenous factors that affect the ranking in search engine results. This mainly relates to how popular our page is compared with other pages that appear high in the search results. External links (backlinks) play a big role that «showour page but also social signals. In Off Page SEO is also where the most use is made of Black Hat SEO and needs special caution if we want to avoid being penalized by search engines. Backlink is alinkto a third website that will lead to ours. If this third website has serious content and background in the search engines' records then it can help ours to climb. In this case it requires much more than 1 active link to work and usually costs considerably more than On Page SEO. social signals are the presence of our page in popular social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn κ.α.). The more interactions a page has, the more reliable and popular it is for a search engine.

The results of SEO depend to a huge extent on the content of the page. If you have content that doesn't particularly interest users, then no SEO can help you. Don't forget that a search engine tries to give the most relevant results for the words/phrases searched for.

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Is there an appropriate time for the SEO Service?

The SEO service should be done together with the construction of the website. It will contribute significantly to the results being more promptly visible. Of course, it does not mean that it cannot be done heterochronously, just that the results will be presented at a slower pace. The Off Page SEO is more of a marketing issue and our advice is to apply it after we have a clear picture of the search results after evaluating the On Page SEO from the search engines.