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The creation of a Logo

is not a simple task.

First, it requires a study of the specific characteristics of the business and its target group, i.e. the ideal audience the business is targeting, but also the competition. Then, the creation of a logo and its visual symbolism as well as the shaping of its style is needed.

The style of the logo is formed from the feeling left by the design elements that make it up. That is, the shapes, the letters (which in many cases are characters specifically designed for the logo), the colour palette and how they all tie together.

A truly successful logo should be characterized by its charm and attraction. It should be a beautifully expressed truth.

However, this truth must also be stated correctly. As it should address the potential customers of the business in a successful and memorable way.

For this reason, one mark should never be reminiscent of another. Otherwise confusion will result. It should be unique, special and exclusive to the business it represents.

Just like any human being, it is identifiable with a single face.

9 principles served by proper logo creation

  • Characteristic
  • Memorable
  • Unique
  • Outstanding
  • Flexible
  • Sentimental
  • Appropriate
  • Charming
  • Everlasting

The role and value of a logo for a business

Every business must have a unique footprint in the market. A specific stigma that separates it from the competition. A special philosophy, a unique message, a distinctive tone in its advertising and corporate texts on its website, social media and in its publications.

The unique position of a company in the market is preceded by a correspondingly unique and perfect professional logo, accompanied by the corresponding corporate identity. The logo is required to reflect the subject of the business to the outside world in an eloquent, digestible and charming way, but it also has an even more important role: It should be a carrier of the company's message and culture, in a way that speaks to the heart of the audience, which is its potential customers. It should be easily recognizable the second time it is viewed, so that viewers can easily recall it.

The law of nature applies here. For the human mind to be able to recall something, it must be characteristic and unique. Let's imagine the logo as the unique face of a business. It is a starting point, which the human mind will use in order to think about the business.

Which logos are ideal

As we observe around us, the most memorable logos are the simple, unpretentious and simple ones. Those that do not disturb the eyes of the audience with unnecessary artistic details. But here there is also a misunderstanding. A minimalist logo does not mean "poor".

On the contrary, it means that such a logo is free of all the visual "noise" that disorientates the viewer. It also means that it manages to directly and successfully convey the stigma of a company's services and subject matter. Because that is its role.

The creation of a logo must therefore be done correctly and carefully, so that the logo can perform its role properly, avoiding wrong paths that create problems for the business and its image.

How to properly create a logo


The creation of a corporate brand, in order to be perfect, has to meet some basic rules, to avoid some common mistakes. It must follow a correct pace from A to Z. This is how the really good design ideas and the result will be correct and professional.

Below we will analyze the basic rules that the correct logo creation follows. Which things to consider and which to avoid during and before the design process. So that we give our logo the right foundations to shoulder the crucial role of the virtual representation of the business.

9 principles served by proper logo creation


The successful logo is:



That is, representative of the object of the business on the one hand, but also of the values that the business stands for on the other.
It is important, through the logo, that people instantly identify the company with its products or services. But also to be informed by the quality of those products or services.



It must be simple, memorable and easy to digest in the minds of its viewers. That is, it must have a simplicity that will allow it to be imprinted, momentarily, in the mind of anyone who sees it.



Every business is unique and therefore its logo is unique. It is important to give it a unique stamp, distinguishing it from the competition.



It is important through the logo that the company shouts its message or philosophy loudly. It is this confidence that creates a sense of authority in the eyes of viewers. That is, a sense which is the precursor to a trusting relationship, at a future time between consumers and the brand.



A logo should be easily recognisable when viewed and without colours, or in a very small dimension. In addition, it is necessary to meet the design requirements to be adaptable to different media without any problem. In electronic media such as website, email, social media. In printed material such as cards, business stationery, flyer, poster, invoices or in other media such as t-shirt, vehicles, signs, etc. This adaptability is a key trump card that gives a thoughtful logo creation.

δημιουργία λογοτύπου


A good and correct logo has the unique ability to evoke instant emotions in the viewer. This is one of the fundamental laws of advertising and marketing. Because people first make purchases guided by emotion and then justify their purchase with logic. This happens in all market sectors. From the supermarket we often go to to buying a car or buying a service e.g. via internet.



The logo must give the right message to the right audience. When a business visually gives potential customers what they want to see, as an image, then in the first instance interest in the services or products of the business increases. In a second phase, the logo is imprinted in the minds of the viewers as a synonym for quality.



An important element for a logo is its ability, through its schematic and colour balance, to fascinate the viewer as a whole. After all, unforgettable relationships begin with.. a good flirt..



Great importance must always be given to the durability of the logo over time. For this reason, the use of visual elements that are interwoven with temporary trends of the time should be kept to a minimum. The simple creation of a logo without graphic chatter also helps in this area.

How can our logo be created the right way, while also fulfilling all of the above rules? By doing some groundwork before we start designing our logo.


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